"Banks, stock markets, all federal offices are closed, call it
'til the end of the week - maybe beyond that ... National week of mourning,
probably a month for the flags to be at half-staff"
(Tom Clancy, Executive Orders,
Harper Collins Publishers London 1996, p.33) - what about? :
"A runaway Jumbo Jet has crashed into the Capitol Building in
Washington ..."
Sounds familiar, isn't it?
(Having read that novel, a man with his Cessna tried to hit the White
House but crashed only into the lawn in front of Clintons home, as much
as I recall. Which lead to armouring the guards with stingers.)
And now this from Robert Ludlum "The Prometheus Deception", Orion, London 2001:
"There are news reports that we -that is, the US government- could
have prevented this tragedy,"intoned the president. (p.210)
"Oh but we are," said the CIA director. "We 're in the middle
of a global war against terrorists, and the bad guys are winning." ...
His {the presidents,A.H.} face went ashen. He put the phone down, then
looked around at the others. "That was the Situation Room," her said gravely
" An American jetliner just went down three miles from Kennedy airport."
"What?" gasped several of the men at once.
"Blown out of the sky," President Davis murmured, eyes closed.
"A minute or so after takeoff"... (p212)
Vansina had been acting as a conduit ... laundering over five billion dollars. Laundering funds were an everyday necessity for intelligence agencies ... (p.219)
Preventable tragedy.
The key was preventable . Prophylaxis. The directorate wanted
this outrage, wanted to spur calls for prevention of any future terrorism.
Yet prevention could mean any number of things. A treaty to fight
terrorism was one thing, no doubt little more than window dressing. But
surely any such treaty would lead to the bolstering of national defenses,
the aquisition of weapons intended to protect public safety. ... chaos
was a form of marketing - the marketing of their goods, their weapons,
the increasing of demand. (p.229)
He was seeing a pattern of terrorism, increasing in frequency,
the commonalities evident. Each was designed to incite chaos, wide-ranging
public injury, and resulting fear. These were classically designed terrorist
paradigms, except for one thing.
No one had claimed responsibility.
It was customary, though not inevitable, for terrorists to claim
responsibility for their deeds, assert a justification. Otherwise, the
incident had no purpose except random demoralization.(p270/271)
The WTC appears on p.419, derivates and interest-rate futures on p.429. The anthrax attacks happen in Geneva, but they happen.
.."No longer will we all live in fear of another Oklahoma city bombing, another World Trade Center, another downed airliner" ... (p.488)
The novel of Ludlum is a James Bond -style story, and it begins with
an arab episode. Did Bush read it? Ludlum looks to be his adviser, especially
on p.506 where he writes about "Hitler's Bundesrepublik". Thats
fun for a german.
Sounds like Bush's Reich.
Die Szene aus
dem US-Spielfilm »Tödliche Weihnachten«, gedreht
1996, ist nicht
einfach eine Fiktion. Sie ist eine Nachricht davon,
was die für
die US-Gesellschaft so wichtige Medienindustrie ihren
am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts als hinreichend
plausibel hat
darstellen können: daß die USA von Kräften regiert
werden, die
für Geld zu Verbrechen aller Art und jeden Ausmaßes
bereit sind.
solcher Art fällt nicht vom Himmel und entsteht
nicht über
Nacht. Sie gründet in Erfahrungen, die nach dem
Anschlag auf
das World Trade Center noch einmal exemplarisch
erlebt werden
durften. Die Überreste der 3.000 Ermordeten waren
noch nicht kalt,
da hatten CIA, FBI und Militär schon ihre Mittel und
der Moslem die
Schuld. Erst nach vier Wochen Bombenkrieg, in dem
Unbeteiligte starben, hatte die US-Regierung ein Video
so weit präpariert,
daß Politiker wie der deutsche Bundeskanzler,
die auf einen
Verdacht hin den Krieg erklärt hatten, sich trauten, es
als »letzten« (das heißt: ersten) »Beweis«
für die
Osama Bin Ladens zu werten. ... (Zitatende Gremliza)
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