Dark Forces planted Global Hawk Remote Piloting
equipment in all four aircraft and seized control shortly after
"Reality: Had this happened, the flight crew would have radioed
an emergency to Air Traffic Control."
MY COMMENT If Dark Forces can install remote control, can
they not also take care of all other issues, such as "undesirable"
radio alerts to the ground???
David Foster's thoughts about what a pilot "could" do if their
aircraft was remotely taken over:
"4. Pilot thinks he has a runaway flight control system. He kills
flight computer number 1 and goes with 2. If that fails he re-
initializes the system and the bird flies in dumb mode for a short
while. If that fails he re-initializes again and dumps all flight course
data and reverts to dumb mode and manually enters way points. If
that fails he kills primary and goes to dumb mode for rest of flight
(Boeing learned from the Airbus incident. The 757/767 glass
cockpit allows the pilot to have the final say) 5. If all else fails, pilot
will kill the system, drop the air motor (a little emergency
generator that drops into the slip stream and generates power
with a small propeller and land ASAP with only partial hydraulic
boost and a turn and bank. (Thank you Air Canada). 6. All 4
aircraft, assuming they were not hijacked, had sufficient time to do
the above."
MY COMMENT Referring to my first comment, little or
NOTHING could be done if the reconstructed systems override all
pilot input. It's all chip and software "fly by wire" and "ohhh, so
easy" to mess with.
David Foster: "7. There are recordings from Flight 175 of the
hijacker speaking. [Seems evident]* the PIC (Pilot in Command)
held down the push to talk on the yoke so somebody would know
he was being hijacked. It also means he wasn't being allowed to
use the radio. The hijacker was even recorded saying NO ONE
did not resist." *My note: If it "seems" to be, it is??
remote "joy stick" pilot and the "HIJACKER" an actor/dark force
stand in. Or, do you (the readers) also believe the "smoking gun"
video is real??!!
David Foster: "Myth: These poorly trained hijackers could
have flown such complicated aircraft in such a precise manner."
"Reality 1: Talk to any pilot, they flew not so precisely.
Reality 2. Flying is easy, any 16 year old can do it,and taking off is
Reality 3: 16 year old Japanese kids with 2 hours training through
fighter cover and flak and hit smaller targets like Aircraft Carriers
and Destroyer Escorts."
MY COMMENT Remote control bypasses on board pilots, thus
no issue!! But,,, since it has been raised, and since there are
people who still believe passports can fly through blood, jet fuel,
glass and steel then fire that "melts" steel and then travel several
NY city blocks through buildings thus being: "miraculously" found;
submitted to police and winding up on CNN...
...I'll give it a shot:
IGNORE: To REFUSE to pay attention to; disregard.
IGNORANT: Without education or knowledge. IGNORAMUS: An
ignorant person. My addition: One whom ignores (refuses)
knowledge which leads to truth.... One whom WILLFULLY
refuses knowledge, even when it is right before them. These
words, of course, are right across from IDIOT and IDLE in the
Highly Concerned American