#e wieder
eine falsche Spur zuständig waren die ARTCCs von Cleveland und
Nashua, das Center in Herndon sowie die lokalen ATCs auf Logan und Reagan
airport - keinesfalls aber Ronkonkoma. Zudem geht es um die tapes dieser
jeweiligen Radar- screenshots, um die tapes der CVRs und FDRs. Und davon
wird abgelenkt. Hier nur eine kleine Listung NUR der tapes, die allesamt
vorhanden sein müßten und weit wichtiger wären als ein
tape von einem NACHTRÄGLICHEN Gesprächstreffen unbeteiligter
Fluglotsen, von dem eh nix mehr da ist, was aber jederzeit durch Gespräch
mit den betreffenden Lotsen wieder rekonstruierbar wäre.
The story is made by the same fabric as
so many others as i.e. the "Hunt the Boeing" story:
we shall again run for evidence that does not exist, protest against a deletion of something which content is completely unclear ... Let us take the simple facts: what we miss as evidence - and I am talking about REAL evidence which really must be existant, is: 2 CVR tapes (at least) of UA93 and AA77,
which were recovered
In charge were the ARTCCs Cleveland and
Nashua - and NOT the New York one. So we are missing the
We need the videotapes of the airport cameras from Logan, Kennedy and Dulles. Some more tapes? Let me recall: the tapes of the surveillance cameras close to the Pentagon. What about of all the tapes of all the airports which were not involved, but had the events on their screens and could listen to the radio? There are some more tapes: the tapes of the three C-130 close to the evnts. The tapes of the F-15 circling UAL93. Some more tapes? What about the tapes of the allegedly scrambled five F-15 /F-16 from OTIS and Langley? Enough about TAPES. It is only the TAPE-evidence that I am listing here. The perpetrators of 9/11 know exactly what to hide and what to offer. And the whole sceptic movement loves to run for the sticks. When do people ever notice that the NY times does NOT just tell us what they "found out"? |
Im übrigen bewundere ich Frau Klarsfeld.
(c) Andreas Hauß Mai.2004, www.medienanalyse-international.de/index1.html