Presse und FBI treten Flucht nach vorn an : Der Terror des 11. September hätte verhindert werden können. Diese Spiegel-"Enthüllung" ist Schnee von vorgestern. Nicht einmal nachgefragt hat die Spiegelisten - Journaille, wie denn Almihdhar mit CIA-Wissen in die USA einreisen konnte, obwohl er auf der Terror- watchlist stand (alte pbs- Kamelle), und was er am 1.August 2001 in der Nähe des CIA-Hauptquartiers in Falls Church machte dem Ort, in dem schon Abdullah und Omar bin Laden ganz speziellen. Schutz des Präsidenten vor FBI-Ermittlungen genossen. Almidhar war nicht der einzige, der in der Nähe von Langley wohnte, auch Alsheeri: "Besides Daytona Beach, he is believed to have lived in ... and Vienna, Va., at a boarding house three blocks away from the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency." Almihdhar lebte in San Diego in 2000 sogar mit einem FBI-Mann zusammen Atta und Moussaoui wohnten in Noman/Oklahoma, wo David Boren (ex-CIA Direktor) und Mentor von George Tenet) lebt. In Wayne und Fort Lee, New Jersey, wohnte Salem Alhamzi (AA77/Pentagon). Fort Lee war mal berühmt als CIA-Zentrum in den 60ern und ist die Basis für das Joint Tactical Radio System/JTRS (Boeing, BAe, TRW, Harris Corporation). Harris hat auch ein Büro in Wayne. Aber das sind sicher alles Zufälle. Wie die Unterkunft auf US - Militärbasen:
"In August, Alrababah brought Hani Hanjour and Khalid Almihdhar ... to the DMV office in Springfield, where they used a false address to obtain identification cards, federal authorities said. The next day, Hanjour and Almihdhar used their new cards to attest that two additional hijackers -- Majed Moqed and Salem Alhazmi -- lived in Virginia, which allowed them to also get identification cards. Later in August, Hanjour signed a DMV form for Ziad Samir Jarrah, one of the hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, according to court documents. Two other hijackers, Abdulaziz Alomari and Ahmed Alghamdi , who helped crash planes into the World Trade Center, also had illegal Virginia documentation." Washington Post Feb. 28. 02 S. B03 .Bloss nicht fragen - aber andere Leute verleumden . Die Spiegel - Journaille kann offenbar toll nicken, knackige Überschriften erfinden und mit ordentlicher Zeitverzögerung das abschreiben, was die großen Brüder in den USA erlauben. #e hier die Newsweek - Originalmeldung Noch im Juni 2001 erhielt er eine Visaverlängerung durch das State Departement, reiste am 4. Juli über New York wieder einmal ein, am 1. August dann die Aktion zur Erlangung einer anderen Identität in Falls Church, am 16. August Erlangung weiterer Identitäts- Fälschungsformulare, am 23. August dann angeblich die Herausgabe einer Suchmeldung durch den CIA. Am 25. August jedoch kaufte Alhazmi zwei Tickets auf seine Kreditkarte für den Flug AA77 auf den eigenen Namen! Und all das angesichts der inländischen (z.b. Coleen Rowley) und ausländischen (z.B. BND und Mossad) Warnungen. Für was brauchte Alhazmi also eine falsche Identität? Vor dem 11. September brauchte und verwendete er sie offensichtlich nicht - erhielt sie aber. Am 29.August:"The unidentified New York-based FBI agent had asked headquarters Aug. 29, 2001, to allow his office to use its "full criminal investigative resources" to find Khalid Midhar, one of two hijackers intelligence agents had identified as attending an Al Qaeda meeting in Malaysia in January 2000.
In an e-mail, headquarters denied the request because
"Al-Hada was the son of Ahmad Mohammad Ali al-Hada, a known Al Qaeda operative, according to a U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity. However, the suspect's name does not appear on a U.S.-produced list of Yemenis believed to be suspected Al Qaeda members." Warum nur? (,2933,45543,00.html) "Yemeni authorities say al-Hada was named on a US list of suspects wanted in connection with the bombing of the USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden in October, 2000, which killed 17 US servicemen." ( ein `nur ein wenig´ wegen der Cole verdächtiger Terrorist also, der zufällig Sohn des Schwiegervaters von Almihdhar war. All this Al-Hada stuff is not even mentioned in the news about the raid in Sanaa which took place September 2002. #e
The mystery surrounding the death of John O'Neill:
lived in San Diego
with a FBI asset until 2000
06/2001: State Departement provides new visa 7/4/01: reeintering via NY 8/1/01: Falls Church: new identity 8/6/01: Bush gets his memo 8/16/01: more blank documents to obtain new identities 8/23/01: (allegedly) the search for him begins 8/25/01: despite that, Alhazmi buys the tickets for him and Almihdhar under their own names with using a credit card, also on his name His brother-in-law, Sameer Mohammed Ahmed al-Hada, died by a handgrenade on 2/13/02. This in spite of being under surveillance of the CIA since (you can`t believe it) 1998!! It was John O`Neill, who died on 911 in the WTC (coincidence, coincidence), who tried to investigate that Sanaa residence of the Hada family and was hindered by the US-embassy and the local ambassador there who did not approve his visa for Yemen. The wire-tapped house of Almihdhar`s father-in-law was the centre for planning Nairobi, the Cole, and Kuala Lumpur. But the raid seems to have happened not earlier than February 2002. Lapses. For sure, they just forgot Yemen. By the way: when Almihdhar obtained a new identity like so many others of the “hijackers” but did not use it before 911 – does he use it now? After 911? Where does he live? In Langley, in Falls Church or in Yemen, safeguarded by his colleagues of the CIA? |